For authors

1. The journal may publish articles on a wide range of legal issues, reviews and reports on the scientific life of universities. The condition for publication is a positive opinion of reviewers.

2. Manuscripts should be sent to:

3. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page, giving first the initials of the first name, last name of the author, title of the work (in italics), place and year of publication, page number. In the case of collective works, the initial of the name and the name of the scientific editor should be given with the note (ed.).

4. An article should be accompanied by its abstract informing about its aim, methodology, work findings and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 20 lines (a standard line is about 60 characters with spaces). If the abstract contains specialist, scientific or technical terms, their English equivalents should be provided.

5. The article should not exceed 22 pages, while the review, scientific communication and information - 12 pages. A standard page is about 30 lines of 60 characters each, i.e. about 1800 characters with spaces.

6. The editor reserves the right to introduce changes in the manuscript submitted for publication, e.g. to shorten it, change the title and subheadings as well as correct the style.

7. Detailed guidelines for authors are available on Lazarski Publishing House website: Authors are obliged to provide bibliography.

8. The article should be signed with the author's full name, degree or title, ORCID of the author, name of the scientific institution where the author is employed, telephone number, e-mail.