1. Pre-qualification of articles for review is done by subject editors.
2. The decision to submit an article for review is made by the editor-in-chief, after checking the formal requirements of the paper, i.e., indication by the author of the represented unit (affiliation); correspondence data (address, e-mail and telephone number); ORCID; inclusion of statements of all co-authors about their contribution to the paper; abstracts and keywords in Polish and English.
3. A review should take into consideration the type of work (original, experimental, reviewing, casuistic, methodological), its scientific level, whether the work matches the subject matter suggested in its title, whether it meets the requirements of a scientific publication, whether it contains essential elements of novelty, the appropriate terminology use, reliability of findings and conclusions, layout, size, cognitive value and language, and provide recommendation to accept the article after necessary changes or decline it. The review shall be developed on a special review form.
4. Reviews shall be provided by standing reviewers and reviewers selected at random. Those shall be scientists with considerable scientific achievements in the given discipline. The list of standing reviewers is published on the quarterly website. Each issue of the quarterly publishes a list of reviewers of articles and glosses published in the issue.
5. Two independent reviewers shall review each publication.
6. Reviewers cannot be affiliated with the same institution as the author.
7. Reviewers and authors shall not know their identity.
8. Reviewers appointed to review an article must not reveal the fact.
9. A review must be developed in writing, following a special template (the review form) and provide recommendation to accept a manuscript for publication or decline it.
10. Reviewers submit their reviews in two formats: electronic and a hard copy with a handwritten signature. Such reviews are archived for two years.
11. An author is provided with a reviewer’s comments and he/she is obliged to respond to them. The reviewer shall verify the text after changes introduced to it.
12. In the event of a negative assessment of an article by a reviewer, the Editor-in-Chief, after consulting a thematic editor, shall take a final decision whether to accept the article for publication or decline it.